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Honda Assure Other Policies Benefits
Policy Insuance :
1 Policy is issued instantaneously by the dealership
One stop shop for all Motor Insurance requirements:Policy Insuance
Manual Cover note is issued, policy comes later from the Insurance Company
One has to visit the Insurance Company branch for:
2 NCB transfer
Cancellation & Refund
Cancellation & Refund
Claims :
3 Cashless* Claim settled at All Honda Dealer Workshops across India. Cashless* claim settled at only tie up workshops/ private garages
4 Maximum TAT(Turn around Time) for Surveyors is 6 hrs
Self survey by Dealerships for claims relating to
TAT for surveyors ranges from 24 hrs to 48 hrs
Have to wait for inspection by surveyor to
5 glass damages and wing mirrors subject to limit of Rs. 20,000. initiate work in all cases.
6 Consumables(Engine, Brake, Gear Oils and Coolants) and All Fasteners (Metal and Plastic)(nuts, bolts, screws, rivets, clamps etc) are covered in claim @ 50% depreciation. Parts Like Headlight Assembly, ECM, Various Sensors, Motors, Actuators, Radiator Assembly, Wiring Harness are categorized as other parts where the depreciation is as per the age of the vehicle: Consumables and Fasteners are not covered

All these parts are categorized as plastic where the depreciation is flat 50%
Age of the vehicle          % of Depreciation
7 Not exceeding 6 months              Nil
Exceeding 6 months but               
not exceeding 1 year                      5%
Exceeding 1 year but                
not exceeding 2 years                 10%
Exceeding 2 years but                
not exceeding 3 years                15%
Exceeding 3 year but                
not exceeding 4 years                25%
Exceeding 4 year but                
not exceeding 5 years                35%
Exceeding 5 year but                
not exceeding 10 years              40%
Exceeding 10 years                    50%
8 Bumpers( front and rear) are categorized as fiber where the depreciation is flat 30% Bumpers(front and rear) are categorized as plastic where the depreciation is flat 50%
Add on Cover :
9 Add on Cover (Nil Depreciation) is available till 5th year Add on Cover (Nil Depreciation) is available till 2nd year only
10 The benefits under Nil Depreciation can be utilized for two times during the policy period. The benefits under Nil Depreciation can be utilized for a maximum of two times during the policy period.

* Excess charges and Depreciation as applicable will be payable by the customer.